A hive of innovation: welcoming the ICPPR to campus


Our Lakeside Conference Centre (LCC) was recently selected as the hosting venue for the International Commission for Plant-Pollinator Relationships (ICPPR) Bee Protection Group’s 15th symposium.

This international event brought 129 delegates from global organisations across 17 countries including the Netherlands, Romania, Switzerland, and Czech Republic back to Yorkshire for the first time since 2005.

The symposium is dedicated to the protection of bees, pollinators and the health of delicate natural ecosystems and focuses specifically on the hazards of pesticides to bees.

The first in-person symposium since the Covid-19 pandemic was chosen to be hosted at the LCC as our occupier, Fera Science, is a member of the ICPPR. The ICPPR is a non-profit organisation of researchers from a broad range of disciplines who voluntarily collaborate to assess,...